【遊戯王】blue bloodほむらは悪魔と共にあるようです。5ターン目

レス数:1000 サイズ:6469.78 KiB 最終更新日:2023-09-03 22:37:10

991  名前:ノコギリフクロー◆2HzZvIFA66[] 投稿日:2023/09/03(Sun) 22:32:37 ID:62b14624

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下广卞廿士十亠卉半与本二上旦上二本与半卉亠十士廿卞广下上二本与半卉亠十 .i::::::::i 广下广卞廿士十 //....与本
                                                      i:::::::i            ^
Starving Venom Fusion Dragon                                     i:::::::i               /i
Attribute:DARK                                          .i:::::::i          /::::::i
Level 8  ATK 2800  DEF 2000                                     .i::::/          i::::::/
Dragon / Fusion / Effect                                        i/           i/

Card Text
2 DARK monsters on the field, except Tokens
If this card is Fusion Summoned: You can make this card gain ATK equal to 1 opponent's Special Summoned monster,
until the end of this turn. Once per turn: You can target 1 Level 5 or higher monster your opponent controls;
until the End Phase, this card's name becomes that monster's original name,
and replace this effect with that monster's original effects.
If this Fusion Summoned card is destroyed: You can destroy all your opponent's Special Summoned monsters.
