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658  名前:百万ガバス◆7YiVgGAGdJc1[sage] 投稿日:2024/02/23(Fri) 10:39:31 ID:e6288127

Barbarian: Fast Movement, Rage, Uncanny Dodge, Trap Sense, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Damage Reduction,
  Greater Rage, Indomitable Will
Cleric: Aura
Druid: Animal Companion, Nature Sense, Wild Empathy, Woodland Stride, Trackless Step,
  Resist Nature's Lure, Venom Immunity, Timeless Body
Monk: AC Bonus, Flurry of Blows, Evasion, Fast Movement, Still Mind, Slow Fall, Purity of Body, Improved Evasion, Diamond Soul
Paladin: Aura of Good, Divine Health
Ranger: Favored Enemy, Wild Empathy, Combat Style, Animal Companion, Improved Combat Style, Woodland Stride,
    Swift Tracker, Evasion, Combat Style Mastery, Camouflage
Rogue: Evasion, Trap Sense, Uncanny Dodge, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Crippling Strike, Defensive Roll,
   Improved Evasion, Opportunist, Slippery Mind
Beguiler: Armored Mage, Cloaked Casting, Surprise Casting, Advanced Learning
Dragon Shaman: Draconic Adaptation (Water Breathing, Treasure Seeker, or Icewalker),
  Draconic Resolve, Natural Armor, Energy Immunity
Duskblade: Armored Mage, Spell Power
Knight: Knight's Challenge (Fighting Challenge, Test of Mettle, Call to Battle, Daunting Challenge), Shield Block,
     Bulwark of Defense, Armor Mastery, Vigilant Defender, Shield Ally, Improved Shield Ally
Ninja: AC Bonus, Sudden Strike, Trapfinding, Poison Use, Acrobatics, Speed Climb, Improved Poison Use, Evasion
Scout: Skirmish, Trapfinding, Battle Fortitude, Uncanny Dodge, Fast Movement, Trackless Step, Evasion,
  Flawless Stride, Camouflage, Blindsense, Hide in Plain Sight
Spellthief: Sneak Attack, Trapfinding, Discover Spells
Warlock: Deceive Item
Warmage: Armored Mage, Warmage Edge, Advanced Learning
Favored Soul: Energy Resistance
Spirit Shaman: Wild Empathy
Divine Mind: Mantle, Change Aura
Lurk: Lurk Augment, Psionic Sneak Attack, Initiative Boost, Evasion, Slippery Mind
Hexblade: Mettle
Samurai: Daisho Proficiency, Two Swords as One, Kiai Smite, Iaijutsu Master, Staredown, Improved Initiative, Mass Staredown,
  Improved Two Swords as One, Improved Staredown
Swashbuckler: Weapon Finesse, Grace, Insightful Strike, Dodge Bonus, Acrobatic Charge, Improved Flanking, Lucky,
  Acrobatic Skill Mastery, Weakening Critical
Dragonfire Adept: Scales, Dragonkin, Damage Reduction, Immunity to Paralysis and Sleep
Archivist: Still Mind
Dread Necromancer: Advanced Learning
Incarnate: Aura, Expanded Soulmeld Capacity
Soulborn: Aura
Totemist: Wild Empathy, Totem's Protection
Healer: Healing Hands, Effortless Healing, Unicorn Companion
Marshal: Auras, Grant Move Action
Crusader: Steely Resolve, Furious Counterstrike, Indomitable Soul, Zealous Surge, Smite, Die Hard, Mettle
Swordsage: Discipline Focus, Quick to Act, Evasion
Warblade: Battle Clarity, Weapon Aptitude, Uncanny Dodge, Battle Ardor, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Battle
  Cunning, Battle Skill, Battle Mastery
Binder: Suppress Sign
Shadowcaster: Sustaining Shadow
Truenamer: Knowledge Focus