【D&D3.5e】やる夫達は太古スエルの謎を追うようです 8スレ目

レス数:1000 サイズ:2173.04 KiB 最終更新日:2022-05-27 15:20:35

348  名前:百万ガバス◆7YiVgGAGdJc1[sage] 投稿日:2022/04/24(Sun) 23:57:39 ID:be1e002d

                             /         -‐--
                           /:.              :.`:‐-、_____
       7th. The Statuary           /:.:.:              :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:`ヽ   `ヽ
                  _____    l:.:.:               :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.::.. ヽ   `ヽ
       Uncle's great project begins. Our dungeons will expand threefold! .:.:.:...  ヽ   ヽ
       I had the good fortune to witness the summoning of the Prince. :.:.:.:.:.:.   ヽ   ヽ
   .,イ ̄´Dread talons ordered the sculpting of the halls and things from the pit ___ヽ   ヽ
 /i:i:l   bent their will to it, 7 times making 7 passes through it so that even the earth trembled and obeyed.
 .li:i:i:il   A blessed occasion! Uncle wants me to help with the others, so I order my legions of the night
  li:i:i:il  and whatever slaves of the pit which will obey. ;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,__,--'´三三‐-'´
  .li:i:i:il  We shall construct a statuary to honor the arcane accomplishments of our house.
  li:i:i:il                      ..:._,-‐-'´ ̄=_/ ̄ヽ、三三-'´
  .li:i:i:il               _,-‐'´ ̄三三三三,-'´___,-'´
   li:i:i:il            _,-‐'´三三三三三三-‐'´ ̄ "´
   .li:i:i:il        _,-‐'´三三三三三-‐'´ ̄
   li:i:i:il     _,-‐'´三三三三-‐'´ ̄
   .li:i:i:il _,-‐'´三三三三-‐'´
    .li:/三_,-‐'´ ̄

7th. The Statuary

私は幸運にもプリンスの召喚を目撃した 恐るべき爪がホールの彫刻を命じ