【D&D3.5e】やる夫達は太古スエルの謎を追うようです 8スレ目

レス数:1000 サイズ:2173.04 KiB 最終更新日:2022-05-27 15:20:35

339  名前:百万ガバス◆7YiVgGAGdJc1[sage] 投稿日:2022/04/24(Sun) 23:22:31 ID:be1e002d

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       ____,--'´       ..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.ヽ:.:.:              ,-‐--、_ :.:.:.:.:.:.   ヽ   ヽ
   .,イ ̄´´   2nd. The Retreat.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.ヽ:.:         /;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;`-‐--、___ヽ   ヽ
 /i:i:l                    ..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:ヽ       ./;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,__,--'´三三=ゝ
 .li:i:i:il      Someday Uncle wants me to cleanse this of all the riffraff ,--'´三三‐'´
  li:i:i:il      which has invaded so that we can again claim it totally as our own.
  .li:i:i:il      But the strange puddings, a variety I've never encountered, are elusive
  li:i:i:il     and reproduce at a fantastic rate. Perhaps Nahguud
  .li:i:i:il     and his confederates are up to the task._,-'´
   li:i:i:il            _,-‐'´三三三三三三-‐'´ ̄ "´
   .li:i:i:il        _,-‐'´三三三三三-‐'´ ̄
   li:i:i:il     _,-‐'´三三三三-‐'´ ̄
   .li:i:i:il _,-‐'´三三三三-‐'´
    .li:/三_,-‐'´ ̄

2nd 退却
