【D&D3.5e】やる夫達は太古スエルの謎を追うようです 4スレ目

レス数:1000 サイズ:2447.38 KiB 最終更新日:2021-03-14 21:54:17

726  名前:百万ガバス◆7YiVgGAGdJc1[sage] 投稿日:2021/02/15(Mon) 22:09:03 ID:3e591deb
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/i:l     8th. The Greater Halls:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:ヽ://
:i:i:i:l                    ..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.ヽ:〈_
:i:i:i:l     All of our family had specific instructions regarding its crafting.
l:i:i:il     And Uncle relented for the most part, but he instructed me
li:i:i:il     to use this mainly as a repository for my army.
.li:i:i:il    He wanted it close at hand. Elluvia bothered me about this,
..li:i:i:il    especially about the whereabouts of the bone scroll,
. li:i:i:il    but I pointed her in the latter to the crypts.
 li:i:i:il    She seemed pleased. Y should be pleased, too, as he hates
 .li:i:i:il   the succubi, and Uncle wants no relation with Elluvia for this.
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